Clover Wedding Collection

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lee Kip Ngor 80yr-old Birthday Celebration @ Grand Seaview restaurant, BP

Clover Wedding Band 不止是只为婚礼的新人们表演,也为寿辰的寿星们表演,K.N.Lee老板李南发先生为家父庆祝80大寿,在海景宴宾楼设宴款待亲朋戚友,还特邀请 Clover Wedding Band 为他老人家及来宾们唱些经典旧曲为他老人家祝寿。


Saturday, July 21, 2012

Huay Siang + Yeen Chin's wedding dinner @ Tian Teck Vegetarian Food Restaurant, BP

Clover Wedding 乐团第一次有幸出席素食者的婚宴,在Batu Pahat,天德素食馆的名气可是响当当,其实,吃素不仅有益身心,也环保,支持~

今晚的新郎官惠祥可说是不可多得的好人,虽然Jac认识他的时间不长,但觉得他对人很真诚,难怪能赢得温婉可人的Yeen Chin啦~

今晚乐团组合的吉他手是Justin,女歌手是Cath,还有键盘手Steven。记得在婚礼前惠祥和Yeen Chin常常到Station One来听我们唱歌,Yeen Chin还笑说因为结婚当天太忙没空听,所以先来Station One听听~ o(∩_∩)o...哈哈,真幽默~

Clover Wedding真诚的祝福惠祥与Yeen Chin幸福美满,长相厮守到永久~


Sandy Koh+Fee Chian's wedding dinner @ Grand Seaview Restaurant, BP

YJ+Helene's wedding luncheon @ Silver Dragon Restaurant, Seremban

To Clover Wedding:

We had planed our wedding ceremony since a year ago. Both of us had the same thinking that would
like have a nice ,touch ambience ; will not too noisy like have a karaoke section or too quiet/dull for
wedding luncheon. Finally we decided to have a live band performance during wedding luncheon.
We had short listed some live band details, however have difficulties to choose due to some vocal
may too powerful or some may too soft based on the video share at their website…

At the same time we had confirmed a photographer, Jonathan recommended a live band call as Clover wedding.
I had check out their website and felt this might be the vocal we are looking for ….

We met up with you, Clover Wedding in Seremban after the initiated understanding through phone.
We requested dual languages service for our guess conveniences. Justin had give us some ideas
for actual day flow and proposed us for the march in song which give some ideas to me…I may
need my hubby to sing for me…however my hubby think it may more meaningful if both of us sing
together…actually I am not confidents and had request Justine to send me a demo music/songs for
practice…Thanks for your extra effort! We had finalised the song list and sent to clover wedding for
review…To avoid extra expenses to have a MC, we had requested Clover wedding to deliver some
simple messages to our dearest guests. My mother in law, which go through singing classes for many
years also like your singing style and vocal, she had a big hand for Jacqueline especially for the song
of “因为爱情”…

The only comment I would like to give is Clover Wedding may need to be more emphasis on
messages that deliver to guest, perhaps with more interaction between Clover Wedding and
guess ...I know it may not fair to give this comment since you are expert in singing and this maybe
the job of MC… but it will really be your extra “bonus“ to you and customers especially in this
competitive market.

As a summary we are satisfied with your performance .Clover Wedding have the high
disciplined ,presentable and most importantly have versatile voices which really suit for Wedding
event performances. Well done Clover Wedding!!!

From: YJ Pan & Helene Chin

Actual Wedding date : 21st of July 2012 (1.30pm)

Location : Silver Dragon Seremban 2

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Tuesday, July 3, 2012